Un video interessante ci spiega come le Birkenstock sono passate da cringe a cool
Tag: linkutili
Dal web
As social media platforms increasingly shift from human interactions to algorithms, it’s no surprise that we all feel overwhelmed by internet noise. Consequently, the proliferation of spam, bots, irrelevant content, and ads has become (or should become) more apparent than ever. This is precisely why the internet feels less enjoyable. Social media seems less social, and lately, it feels even less like “media.”
Om Malik -
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I vantaggi delle riunioni da 15 minuti: spunto interessante per evitare le giornate passate in riunione
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Google chiude Google podcast: da ascoltatore di podcast mi va anche bene che google podcast finisca dentro youtube music ma devono permettere l’ascolto con lo schermo spento quindi senza abbonamento.
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A bathtub in the kitchen?: Il NY Times fa un giro delle le piccole e strane cucine di New York
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How to be productive with the apple reminders app: dopo Apple note ecco un articolo per utilizzare al meglio l’app promemoria