Category: link
Browsers Are Weird Right Now:una riflessione sullo stato attuale dei browser.
Io per ora uso Arc e Chrome e sporadicamente Safari.
Link utili
Google shapes everything on the web.:interessante articolo su come la ricerca della SEO ha solo portato un web più povero di idee.
Dal web
Sull’andare a lavoro in bicicletta: interessante studio sugli effetti positivi dell’ andare al lavoro in bicicletta
Sui blog
The web is fantastic – Interessante articolo di Rob Knight sui blog e sul web
Get a blog, a website, a Mastodon account, something you control, and share links to cool things you find.
Rob Knight -
Jack Baty
Whenever I see others refer to me or my blog, it’s usually along the lines of “he changes his blog a lot…”. This is fine, because I do, but I’m wondering if this is what I’d like to be remembered for. Wouldn’t it be better to be remembered for my photographs, my writing, or art, or being otherwise useful to the world?
Jack Baty