Indie microblogging: spiegato nei minimi dettagli
Category: dalweb
Dal web
If you have a keyboard, you have the chance to speak to some people – the people who want to hear from you. It is possible, when the stars align, for that group to be a billion, or it might only be ten, but there is a number of people that you can engage with and if you change the culture then you change everything.
Seth Godin
My argument for more than twenty years has been that we are each responsible for the culture where we are living, because we each have the ability to do something about it. -
Super Bowl
Ieri notte si è giocato il Super Bowl; nel link di seguito ci sono tutti gli spot trasmessi.
How to make the world better…
Be good to people.
Put good out there. Into motion.
If you have a chance to help, help.
If a smile or compliment will make someone’s day a little better, give it.
If you have a shoulder to lend to someone in tears or an ear to someone unheard, do so.
If your silence is more helpful than anything you might say, remain so.
Do this as much as possible.
Good scales. It has exponential power. Those who receive good are more likely to do good for others.
Every little bit of good makes the whole world better because there will be that much more good in it.
Patrick Rhone -
Dal web
Be the same person privately, publically, and personally.
Legendary movie cars
E poi su Tumblr trovi questo post di koolinus
Blog from the phone
Lee Peterson, AKA LJPUK on How to blog more from your smartphone.
First thing is remove all of your social media apps to a second home page or the App Library.
Second is put your blogging app on your main Home Screen.
That’s it.
Post your thoughts to your blog first.In questi ultimi tempi anche io sto postando sempre più spesso da telefono (circa il 60% delle volte);
In questa citazione di Lee Peterson c’è anche il declino dei social media, infatti consiglia di spostare in seconda pagina tutte le app social; nella mia homepage è rimasto solo Tumblr, io sto utilizzando i social solo per condividere i miei articoli.