CJ Chilvers says it’s time to get personal…
It’s not the only place for these things, but it’s your place for these things, and that makes all the difference.
CJ Chilvers
CJ Chilvers says it’s time to get personal…
It’s not the only place for these things, but it’s your place for these things, and that makes all the difference.
CJ Chilvers
An Oral History of Batman: The Animated Series: La serie che ha definito batman per una generazione.
WordPress.com Makes a Bid for Google Domains Customers, Offering 1 Million Free Transfers: Google ha venduto i suoi domini registrati a Squarespace ma Automattic con questa offerta cerca di dare un’alternativa; staremo a vedere chi la spunterà.
Skoobz – On having a blog
I feel a sense of peace of mind here. Where social media feels like a busy commercial area, full of flashing lights and noise, this is more like a quiet home in a quiet neighborhood. All of these things are why I’m an advocate of owning your own webspace. Largely, because it’s your own webspace. Not Meta’s, not Twitter’s (or whatever the fuck they’ll call themself in 24 hours), nobody else. It’s yours. Own it.
For these reasons, create your blog now!
Indie microblogging: micro.blog spiegato nei minimi dettagli
If you have a keyboard, you have the chance to speak to some people – the people who want to hear from you. It is possible, when the stars align, for that group to be a billion, or it might only be ten, but there is a number of people that you can engage with and if you change the culture then you change everything.
Seth Godin
My argument for more than twenty years has been that we are each responsible for the culture where we are living, because we each have the ability to do something about it.