L’uomo che ha rotto il bowling:bellissimo articolo su chi ha rilanciato l’immagine del bowling;
Qui l’articolo uscito su gq sempre su di lui
L’uomo che ha rotto il bowling:bellissimo articolo su chi ha rilanciato l’immagine del bowling;
Qui l’articolo uscito su gq sempre su di lui
Please, for the love of all things web-related, if you decide to do anything online, get yourself a domain name. Don’t rely on the 3rd party domain provided by services like Blogger, Substack, Tumblr, whatever. Yes, it’s an extra cost but owning your URLs is important. If Substack dies tomorrow, all your fancy-cool-name.substack.com URLs are gone. And all the links scattered across the web that were pointing to them are now broken. So, again, please, get yourself a domain name when you create content for the web. And don’t forget that “Cool URIs don’t change“.
Manuel Moreale
Manuel Moreale spiega perchè usare un proprio dominio online; sono pienamente d’accordo con il suo pensiero. Io sto cercando di eliminare i vari social per postare solo qui; ora anche su Tumblr si possono acquistare i domini visto che è controllata da Automattic l’azienda che possiede wordpress.
CJ Chilvers says it’s time to get personal…
It’s not the only place for these things, but it’s your place for these things, and that makes all the difference.
CJ Chilvers
An Oral History of Batman: The Animated Series: La serie che ha definito batman per una generazione.
WordPress.com Makes a Bid for Google Domains Customers, Offering 1 Million Free Transfers: Google ha venduto i suoi domini registrati a Squarespace ma Automattic con questa offerta cerca di dare un’alternativa; staremo a vedere chi la spunterà.
Skoobz – On having a blog
I feel a sense of peace of mind here. Where social media feels like a busy commercial area, full of flashing lights and noise, this is more like a quiet home in a quiet neighborhood. All of these things are why I’m an advocate of owning your own webspace. Largely, because it’s your own webspace. Not Meta’s, not Twitter’s (or whatever the fuck they’ll call themself in 24 hours), nobody else. It’s yours. Own it.
For these reasons, create your blog now!